Hero photograph
Sports Faculty
Photo by Tania Templeton

Sports Faculty

Mrs Clare Kissick —

Weekly update of sporting news from St Bede's - Rowing AGM deferment, Marlborough Boys' Exchange, and Bingo Night

Rowing Annual General Meeting

This has been deferred for a few weeks so new date will be advised in next week's newsletter.


Marlborough Boys’ College Exchange

Buses will be leaving for Blenheim at 10.25 am on Monday morning.

Your son is expected to be in class periods 1 and 2.  Overnight bags can be left in the PAC foyer on Monday before school and if you son has a laptop and wishes to leave it at school on the Monday night these can be locked in the Director of Sports' office overnight.


Bingo night Ethel and Bethel

A huge thank you to all those business, parent and students that supported the Hockey and Basketball fundraiser last Saturday night, I do not think we could of fitted any more people in the dining room,   it was a fantastic fun night with lots and lots of laughs.

A big thank you to the Hockey and Basketball parents and the boys that organised and ran such a fun night.  Many many thanks for a great night out.