Hero photograph
On tour: Year 11 Geography students at Castle Hill, on their way to the West Coast.
Photo by Callum Wilson

Social Sciences Snapshot

Callum Wilson —

Featured in this update is the Year 11 Geography trip to the West Coast, the Year 11 History trip to Ripapa Island, Year 9 Social Studies survival skills and toilet paper fashion shows, and Year 13 historians studying the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

The Social Science faculty includes the areas of Social Studies, Classical Studies, History, Geography, Economics, Accounting and Business Studies. We are proud of the courses we have designed for our students and like to share some of the learning that has been occurring in these areas recently. 

Please follow this link to see what has been happening in recent weeks in the Social Sciences. And please take a moment to look around our website to get a better sense for what each of our learning areas is about. Simply click the Menu button in the top left of the website.