Hero photograph
Tuition in 3D Game Art & Film Visual Effects
Photo by Art Dept

Tuition in 3D Game Art & Film Visual Effects

Miss Calie Cron —

Ambrose Challies, an old boy of St Bede's College, is back in town.

Previously, an Excellence Art student and now an award-winning animator, Ambrose is back in Christchurch from Auckland where he studies visual effects. While working on a new venture, he is also giving the opportunity to the boys of St Bede's College to enter the world of visual effects.

Spring Fling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i49u6-fhsy0  the film he was the soul animator for, was the award winner at an international film festival and nominated for several others. Ambrose is looking to pass on some of his unique experience and specialist knowledge that he has picked up over the years to any boys interested in 3D Game Art and Film Visual Effects.

If you are interested, Ambrose will hold a short information discussion straight after school in the Art Department next Friday 1 March. 

Please feel free to contact Miss Cron, ccron@stbedes.school,nz if you have any queries.