Mrs Rachel Pitcaithly — May 11, 2018

In Term Two we will be running our College Sacramental Programme.

Sacramental Programme 2018

Our College Sacramental programme will begin in Term Two. This programme explores the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Confirmation. This programme is open to students of all year levels and is run during the school day by staff, senior students and visitors. 

The programme will consist of 5 – 6 lessons and will culminate with our Sacramental Mass on Friday 29 June, celebrated by our new Bishop, Bishop Paul Martin. This is an exciting time for our College and the boys are fully supported by staff, peers and of course their families.

If your son has not received the three Sacraments we would love for him to join the programme. As we are all at different stages of our faith journey it is up to him and you regarding which Sacraments he receives but we will, as a group, complete the programme together.

Please email me at to enrol your son on the programme or if you have any queries