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Reading Role Models Matter!

Chrissie Walker —

During the last few years, The National Library of New Zealand has been collaborating with various partners to deliver programmes that support and encourage reading for pleasure.

They have recently released their Pūtoi Rito Communities of Readers Insights Report, which highlights several takeaways from the project. The report states:

‘ Voluntary engagement with reading – reading for pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment – has proven lifelong benefits that are demonstrated by national and international research. The benefits include improving literacy, knowledge, academic attainment and cultural understanding. Reading for pleasure provides a foundation for developing a wide range of important literacy skills including digital and critical literacies crucial for participation in today’s complex information and media landscape. Reading also supports identity, personal and social development, empathy and wellbeing.

One of the most significant findings in the report is the importance of creating a community of readers. They found:

‘Whānau, peers, teachers, librarians and community have huge influence as role models. They can make a difference through talking about books they have read; telling stories; sharing their own interest and joy in reading; reading with whānau of all ages; providing access to a range of great books; and being seen reading themselves.’

The report also found having a school reading culture was important, as well as having access to plenty of high quality, engaging books. These types of findings are coming out of all kinds of local and international studies and the message is clear – growing a reader requires positive role models, the right books and a reading culture, both at home and school. If you are interested in reading more, check out the full report at:
