Hero photograph
Sports Faculty
Photo by Tania Templeton


Mrs Clare Kissick —



Thanks to all the parents that helped with basketball last Friday night by sitting on the bench with your son’s team. I have send an email to all teams and would appreciate if you can do this for the remaining 11 games, as this is a requirement from School Sport Canterbury when entering teams into their competition.

There is no basketball on Friday 29 May which is the start of Queens Birthday weekend. Just a reminder that all players must wear a St Bede's College Basketball singlet (the ordered ones will be ready by next Friday from the College Shop). They must play in their PE shorts and play with a mouthguard in.


The College has boys that belong to Rangiora Small Bore Shooting Club and we are very fortunate to have an ex-parent keen to coach the boys on Wednesday after school. 

If your son is keen to take this up, please send him to the Sports Office to get all the information on it.