Hero photograph
Photo by George Berry

Raving success for St Bede's at the Big Sing

Mr George Berry —

65 Bedeans took part in this year's Big Sing Regionals at the Town Hall, not only doing our school proud with their performances on stage, but coming away with a very special award too.

Under the amazing guidance of Ms Helen Charlton, our Senior Choir 'Obedeance' and our Junior Choir sung their hearts out to the hundreds of people in attendance. The students have been preparing these pieces for a term and a half, and to see them take to the stage with pride was truly magnificent. 

What was just as magnificent was the school receiving the Ministry of Youth Development 'Spirit of the Festival Youth Ambassadors Award'! This was due mainly to the Senior Choir leaders' work with the Junior Choir including; going to every rehearsal, singing with them on stage, accompanying them on instruments, and even polishing their shoes for them minutes before they went on stage! 

It was a brilliant example of servant leadership from our senior students. Matteo Brennan was also chosen to sing a solo in the massed item which he sang incredibly. 

A huge thank you to Mrs Helen Charlton for her many hours of work to make this happen, Ms Pitcaithly for helping with supervising the students during the day, and of course our Head of Faculty Ms King for making sure everything ran smoothly.

More photos from the day can be found below.