Hero photograph
Students hard at work at St Albans Catholic on Service Day.

College values on show in acts of service

Megan Stewart —

Service days reflect our college motto Fide et Opere, living by faith and work. Service is an important part of our Bedean culture encouraging all to be ‘other centred’, thinking and actioning our thoughts for others. By committing to acts of service we make a difference to others in a positive way.

All ākonga were asked to commit to some form of service on this day.

We have had overwhelming feedback from various organisations, schools and a variety of other communities that our students have served at.

We congratulate the boys not only for the way they have represented the school and themselves, but also the spirit in which they have entered into this important day.

These are some of the comments that we have received:

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following students for their exceptional work on Service day; Connor Bryce, Leo Stanton, Boston Fraser, Josh O'Connell and Pacis Tayong.
They spent the day at their former primary school, Te Maire St Francis of Assisi spreading bark on the playground. There was a great deal of bark and they worked tirelessly! They're truly outstanding role models of service.
Spreading bark at Te Maire St Francis of Assisi school.

On Thursday we had the pleasure of assistance in our Fernside School from two valued past students, Tom Wilson and AJ, Alexander Jonathan. We want to express our gratitude for the service Tom and AJ gave. They were enthusiastic, polite, independent, socially relaxed, calm and helpful. It was special watching them support our tamariki needing support in their literacy and maths learning. They were kind and patient. We will have them back here any time! In fact, can they come every Thursday?
Just a quick note to say that the boys from St Bedes that are here today doing their service are just fantastic young men and they are working really hard. We have the following boys:
  • Alex Walters
  • Finn O'Loughlin
  • Sam Moriarty
  • Miller Buchanan
  • Oliver Chum
They are all ex students from St Albans Catholic and are well mannered lovely boys. Our groundsman/caretaker is also our principal, so needless to say, it is Happy Principal Day here at St Albans Catholic school today.

From the team at St Vincent de Paul:

Just wanted to let you know that Jai, Lachie, and Blake were amazing.
All the volunteers couldn’t stop raving about the boys and commented on how well they worked together and just got stuck in with the jobs given to them. From hanging the clothes, tidying the merchandise in the shop, to cleaning and scrubbing shoes. Thanks boys!