The Royal Commission of Inquiry

Clare Wilkinson —

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith Based Institutions continues with increased media attention, which may be distressing for survivors.

This is an important and significant process for all of us but especially for survivors to be heard and for their story and the lasting impacts to be acknowledged.

As a community it is a chance to listen to the experiences of survivors, acknowledge failings, support the justice, healing, and reconciliation process and look forward to the future with hope.

It is important to note that the Bishops and Congregational Leaders asked to be included in the Royal Commission Inquiry process, in order to have this significant opportunity to acknowledge the past, listen and learn from the experiences of survivors, and participate in seeking justice that leads to healing.

Links for further information or assistance:

Royal Commission of Inquiry

Diocesan website

National Office of Professional Standards

Te Rōpū Tautoko website