Mr Lindsay Thorn — Oct 26, 2017

To combat exam stress, firstly you need to understand the reasons behind this heightened anxiety.


Most students will experience Exam Stress. Whether students are academically able, or those who find the academic side more challenging, it seems an unavoidable part of student life in Secondary schools and Tertiary institutions, and for many, it can be very difficult to deal with and cause you to fail and/or achieve at a level below where you should.

Remember stress exists for a reason. It’s part of our very old survival “FIGHT or FLIGHT syndrome” and you can choose to let it be your downfall or you can use it to drive you to improve your work.

To combat exam stress, firstly you need to understand the reasons behind this heightened anxiety. THEN YOU CAN ESTABLISH METHODS TO REDUCE THE PRESSURES YOU FEEL. Researchers have uncovered some common explanations for these pressures:

The difference between a student who allows stress to overwhelm them and someone who uses it to push them harder, is what they do when they face that BRICK WALL mid-study. THOSE that are able to overcome the impasse tend to PAUSE, REFLECT, SEEK ADVICE and choose a path that sees them become proactive, as opposed to those who just wait for the wave to engulf them.

Here are some ways to beat or reduce Exam stress:

If you have any concerns at all about your son experiencing examination anxiety, please contact your son’s Form Tutor, House Tutor or the Guidance Counsellor. We’re all here to help!