Hero photograph

Images from the inside: Year 10 camp

Sam Tatupu —

The 2023 school year has come to a close, and what a year it has been. It has been great to see many of you at conference day, and to discuss the growth that your sons have had over the academic year. It has been a rapid end to the year, with Year 10 Camp at the Kind Foundation in Wainui where students took part in a range of team-building, and outdoor activities. The cohort showed a high level of whanaungatanga throughout the course of camp.

Camp was followed by the schools first ever ‘Grandparents Day’ and and it was wonderful to see so many young Bedean’s showing their grandparents their school. This included a new history wall in the boarders dining hall - showcasing the last 110 years of St Bede’s history.

We concluded the year today with our Academic Junior Prizegiving, and I would like to congratulate all of the students who received prizes, as well as those who have done their best and did not get recognised with an award. 

I am proud of the way Year 10 finished the year, and I am excited to lead this cohort into the senior school and NCEA next year.