Mrs Nola Kilpatrick — Mar 30, 2017

NCEA information and Timetable

NCEA students received information from NZQA today in tutor time. The leaflet, Information for students and their parents, whanau or caregivers, contains details about NCEA entries, fees, qualifications and examinations. They have also provided a copy of the 2017 NCEA Examination timetable (attached). Students have been asked to share this information with you.

My visits to Year 11, 12 and 13 classes are nearly complete. These visits gave students an opportunity to clarify their understanding of NCEA, including the literacy and numeracy requirements at level one and university entrance, endorsements, Driver’s Licence credits, approved subjects for UE and more. As well we discussed subject pre-requisites for next year, Emergency Derived Grades and looked at the policies and procedures that we operate at the College to ensure that students receive valid, fair, consistent and accurate assessment for national qualifications.