Hero photograph
Tricks of the trade: Year 12 and 13 drama students at Circotica Circus School.
Photo by Abi King

Big top skills to transform the stage

Abi King —

Drama students undertook circus school training to prepare for this year's production.

Last month, our Year 12 and 13 students had the great privilege to go Circotica Circus School in preparation for this year’s production, Lord of The Flies

At Circotica Circus, our students learnt the basics of stage falling, rolling, as well as rolling other people, while creating the perception of being thrown safely. The students were challenged throughout the day, learning how to trust the process and, more importantly, to trust each other. 

Self-doubts were easily exposed, but with the expert tutelage by the staff at Circotica Circus and the support of each other, these self-doubts were relinquished. 

After working on these basics, they were taught how to use silks. They were taught how to climb, support themselves, and most importantly, not fall! 

The combined Year 12 and 13 drama class walked away more united, having learned to depend on each other - not just physically, but mentally too. These students found this experience to be “liberating”, “fun” and to have “improved their physical stage confidence”. Well done!