Miss Madeleine Castle — Aug 31, 2017

Today feels like a return to Winter- I'm sure you'll agree. Results of the practice exams are being returned to senior boys this week.

And for some boys it was as much receiving feedback of what they don't know, as much as what they do!!

Earlier in the week, on behalf of the Board of Trustees,  we sent all parents a copy of the Strategic Plan. and asked a response to three simple questions.  i encourage you you to have your say. your opinion is valued and will be listened to, and taken into account when we formulate the new plan.

Around 100 boys travel to various centres around the country for Winter Tournament competitions next week and we wish them safe travels, good healthy competition and the success they and their many generous managers and coaches deserve.

I acknowledge and thank the fine work done by Mrs Kissick as Sports Director, but also tose staff, parents and old boys who give so generously of their time ans skills for the benefit of the boys.

Heartfelt thanks and good luck to you all.

Until next week
