Mrs Clare Kissick — Jun 25, 2020

Information and Updates

Volunteer Week

As the country is celebrating “Volunteer Week” – I wish to thank all the volunteers we have here at St Bede’s College making sport possible. Each week there are many parents putting alot of their own time into practices, games, administration, refereeing, donating goods for sports and sponsoring teams, to name only a few ways you help the College. This does not go unnoticed by the College or myself and I would like to sincerely thank you all for everything you do to make this St Bede's a very successful sporting school by supporting teams week in and week out. Keep up the great work which is appreciated by all.


On Tuesday the Senior A's Thompson Trophy Competition started with a good win over Rangiora.  Thanks to all who came along to support.  

Please join us in our Gym this Tuesday while we take on Christ's College, 7.00pm Tip-off. Great half-time competition on offer!

Basketball Brothers — Image by: Mrs Tania Templeton

SBC brothers involved in our basketball teams

Friday Night Basketball

Thank you to all the parents that have offered to sit on the bench with their son's team. This is a requirement from St Bede’s and School Sport Canterbury to have a adult with each team. It does not mean that you have to sub the players in or out or have team talks – you are there to support the boys. Please remember I am here to support you and the boys if situations arise that you may need help with.

Mouthguards are compulsory and if players do not have one then they may not be able to play.

Basketball singlets can be ordered and purchased from the College Shop. Mrs Falloon will sort out a number to the singlet that will last for the next few years should your son continue to play.


If your son is interested in refereeing on a Friday night at St Bede’s College, I would love to hear from him. Game times are at 4.00pm, 5.00pm, 6.00pm, 7.00pm, and 8.00pm. If they have done a referee’s course I will pay them $10.00 a game.

Please email me if you have any questions

Mrs Clare Kissick
Director of Sport