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A message from the Catholic Education Office


St Vincent de Paul

As Christian people we are called to support our brothers and sisters in times of financial stress and need. Over the centuries millions of words have been written on this Christian imperative.

In my opinion the above heartfelt prayer written last week by Lexie, a Year 2 student at St James School (Aranui), is a perfectly succinct and powerful summary of the basis of our Christian call to provide such practical support to our fellow citizens.

We are called to be the hands of Christ.

If you are in a position to make a donation to St Vincent de Paul (SVDP) in order that they might provide food to those who now find themselves struggling in these Covid-19 days, I invite you in a spirit of solidarity to make such a donation.

If you are able, you can make a donation to the St Vincent de Paul Society here.

You will note that this is the Christchurch SVDP page; if you wish your donation to be forwarded to the Mid Canterbury, Timaru or West Coast SVDP branches just indicate this in the message comment and your donation will be forwarded accordingly.

May our Mother Mary support each one of us as we strive to live out our Faith in her Son through the Christian witness of our lives.

Mike Nolan
Catholic Education Office