Hero photograph
Defensive Driving
Photo by Tania Templeton

Defensive Driving Course

Pastoral Office —

New Course from Monday 11 February.

Street Talk Defensive driving course is a NZTA Approved course. Cost is $175.00 which includes four sessions in class and a one-hour practical session. The sessions are held at St Bede’s College after school (3.00-5.00pm).

NB Anyone with demerit points can complete.

If you miss a session you have the flexibility to catch-up this session at another course.

Dates are:

  • Monday 11 February
  • Monday 18 February
  • Monday 25 February
  • Monday 4 March

Enrol on line at:

 www.fusiontrust.co.nz or e-mail Carolyn@fusiontrust.co.nz
Text: 027 229 8018

There is also a sign-up sheet in Mrs Davidson’s office.

Why you should attend a defensive driving course?

Whether you are on your learner or restricted licence, you will still reduce the time to your full licence by six months.

You can drive yourself on a restricted licence – but only at certain times or with an experienced driver. You cannot take your family, or your friends anywhere. You cannot be on the road between 10.00pm and 5.00am without risking fines, demerit points or being uninsured if something happens. These rules are put in place for your own safety.

Wouldn’t it be great to reduce months off this time as well as making yourself safer on our roads?