Mrs Jan Kershaw — May 7, 2020

Year 12 & 13 Students - Virtual Tours Registrations for those interested in attending Otago University or PIHMS Hotel Management School

Feel like getting out of town for an hour next Wednesday?

Otago University Virtual Tour

Don’t miss Otago University’s virtual tour, to be held next Wednesday 13 May, 1.00pm. You should have received a letter with the registration information, earlier in the week. The instructions to access the virtual tour are …..

Topic: Prajesh Otago

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Or join by phone:
If calling from within New Zealand, dial 09 884 6780 or 04 886 0026 (Toll charges may apply)
Meeting ID: 684 799 902"

Image by: Otago University

Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS) NZ

If you are interested in a career in hotel management, then register below for a virtual tour.

A couple of things you might like to know about PIHMS, is it can be a diploma or a degree course in management. You can spend time while undertaking your study working in 5-star hotels overseas - and you get paid, reducing your student debt.

Is tourism and hospitality still a viable career path? We'll be answering that question as well as providing an update on our courses in two live information sessions next week.

Live Session for Students - Tuesday 12 May at 3.00pm
Register Here prior to the event

Jan Kershaw

TIC Careers Education & Guidance