Mrs Clare Kissick — Oct 25, 2019

Information and updates.


Chess Nationals were held in Auckland last weekend and after qualifying in the Regionals earlier in the year, last Friday the St Bede’s Chess Team participated in the National Teams Championship. The team that attended was:

The team displayed an extremely high standard of sportsmanship, winning with humility, and losing with grace. Overall the team was placed 8th, and each player received a Certificate of Merit as a result.

Brennt Entese was awarded a Certificate of Credit, for achieving in the top 25% of players in the tournament.

Sam Renton and George Hampton also qualified to participate in the Individual Champions Trophy, where they each finished with Certificate of Merit.

Honour Pockets are awarded to:


Congratulations to Joe Morrison who was awarded Canterbury Junior Hockey Player of the year at last night’s Canterbury Hockey awards.


The Rowing boys are working hard and now have a permanent base at the College - which is the old Art Room. Thanks to all the parents that helped out with the working bee - the new training room is looking great.

It is still not too late if your son is thinking of rowing. They can visit the new training room (old Art Room), after school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and have a chat to Mr Dale Maher, the Head Coach.

Fundraising Evening for Rowing:
Saturday 23 November at the Addington Raceway

St Bede’s College are holding a fundraising dinner to assist with the purchase of new equipment for rowing. Come along and listen to Brook Robertson who has rowed for New Zealand and Lucy Spoors (an ex Christchurch Girls’ High School pupil who has also rowed for New Zealand). 

This will be fun packed and entertaining night. You will be treated to a two-course gourmet dinner, have the opportunity to bid on a selection of live and silent auctions and a chance to win raffles.

If you would like tickets please follow the link beow:


The St Bede’s College Rugby Club are holding their AGM in the PAC Foyer at 6.00pm on Monday 11 November.

If your son plays rugby, then you are encouraged to come and share your thoughts on how the club can do better.