Hero photograph
Game on: Boarding students from St Bede's and Rangi Ruru competed against each other in multi-sport and dodgeball.

Life as a Boarder

Kurt Paterson —

On behalf of St Bede's boarding, I would like to thank all those who attended our recent family mass service. Families were invited to join us for lunch before the service and it was lovely to have many of you there. These events are always a great opportunity to gather as a boarding community. A special thanks to the boys who led the singing for the first time, you all did an excellent job!

Earlier this term, our Year 11s hosted the Year 11 boarders from Rangi Ruru College for dinner and a game of multisport and dodgeball. This followed the success of our Year 12 and 13 event last term and was a lot of fun for all. 

We look forward to organising more events like this next term as they are such an awesome way for our boys to engage with fellow boarders from other schools.

With the end of Term 2 fast approaching, we are looking forward to finishing on a high note with some full boarding activities, including another tribe dinner and event. These evenings always bring a wonderful atmosphere to the boarding house and are much anticipated. The boys have worked hard, and it has been a great term so far, so we look forward to celebrating this together.