Mr Justin Boyle — Nov 2, 2017

We have had a full and productive week. Seniors continue to wind up internal assessments......

and their preparation for the up coming NCEA exams, but I note the good number of year 13 house breakfasts and dinners as staff and seniors say final good byes and celebrate the healthy relationships of staff and students built up over the last five years.

During the week I was fortunate to sit in on one of the year 11 Retreats, held at St Gregory’s on Wednesday evening. For 3 hours the boys were taken through a series of reflective and meditative types of prayer. Staff were very impressed how boys bought into it. There was some material for the boys to reflect upon and watch. They had the opportunity to ponder on and then share the people they most admired and why. Most of the boys were able to state a quality in that person which could be described as a virtue. The cardinal virtues were explored and reflected upon. Prudence, Fortitude, Temperance and Justice. The retreat finished by the boys joining other parishioners involved in 24 hour adoration that occurs at St Gregory’s. It was uplifting to be a part of.

At assembly we staged the chapel launch for the boys. The president of the Foundation, Hayden Ryan, thanked the boys for the manner in which they have conducted themselves and achieved in these hard years for the College since the earthquake, despite the “make do” facilities or lack of them! He made the observation that when we look back on this period in our Colleges history the extra efforts of the boys and the staff would be remembered and appreciated.

He told the boys they have a job in this campaign, and that is simply to spread the news of the chapel appeal, and encourage people to get in behind it. In return all boys will receive a tuck shop voucher!

In turn, I want to acknowledge the efforts of generous and able men such as Hayden Ryan! He attended the College in the early 90s and excelled not only in the classroom but in the cultural and sporting spheres of the College. A former president of the old boys association, he played a significant role in the organising committee for the centenary.

As I said to the boys, he is a prime example of what we encourage boys to become…….a man using his gifts and talents in giving back to his community.

We continue our preparation for the leavers ceremonies. All parents are invited to the mass on Wednesday at 11am where I promise the boys will be in fine voice!

In the next two days we host all the new entrants and their parents, with a cocktail party for the parents tonight and the boys are tested tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in the next week, especially the parents of our leavers.

Until next time

Justin Boyle, Rector