Mrs Rachel Pitcaithly — Jul 6, 2018

From September 26 - October 1

Thank you for all the responses so far to our Run For A Life Campaign. It is great to see the generosity of so many. 

If you feel like you can help in any way please let me know. 

Closer to the time we will be looking for offers of baking and dinners.

This week I would love to hear from people if you have contacts or can help with the following –

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend


CanTeen is an organisation close to our hearts as it is the support for teenagers living with cancer and teenagers who have lost a parent to cancer. Past and present Bedeans have been or are members of CanTeen. For us, as a school, this is a chance to put our words into action and help them out. Our 2018 campaign has a three pronged campaign – the CanTeen Concert, The ‘Run For A Life’ and The Home Team.

Help is needed for ‘The Run’. On Wednesday 26 September 160 pupils and 40 support staff will leave St Bede’s College on the start of our ‘Run For A Life’ Canteen Fundraiser. They will travel to eight different destinations around the South Island (Pakawau, Nelson, Motueka, Karamea, Mount Cook, Haast, Cromwell and Lawrence) and prepare for their five day run back to St Bede’s College. For those selected for the run, it is a once in a life time opportunity. They will - run over 25kms a day for five days; develop a team bond the like of which they may never experience again; experience the beauty of New Zealand. They will come home changed young men.

Staff and parents who volunteer to help on this are important. It is our job to look after the boys as it is their job to raise money. If the opportunity arises for staff members/parents to do some running each day, that is a bonus but must not detract from the job the boys have to do. The boys are there to run and we are there to care for them. Each leg of the run will have a teacher in charge who will determine the make up of their running groups.

Whilst these 200 Bedeans will be on the road, this is a school wide, community wide campaign and we need your help. In order to raise as much money as we can, we need the help of the wider Bedean community. The more help we get, the more money we can give to CanTeen.

Below are the eight routes the runners will run. Each night we need to accommodate and feed 25 people per leg. If you are able to help with either food at each stop over or a precooked dinner for the first night; accommodation – anything at all, please contact me here at the College on  All those who go on the run know that it will not be easy. In the past we have slept in woolsheds, in school halls, on the floor of rugby clubrooms. That is all part of the campaign, and as we say every day of the trip . . .no matter how hard this is, we do not live with cancer.

As well as food and accommodation I am looking for sponsorship in a variety of ways – T Shirts and hats for the runners and the 16 vans we will travel in plus petrol for the vans are the big expenses. If you are interested in any form of sponsorship please let me know. We will most certainly advertise for you too! Every little bit helps so I would love to hear from you. Thanks in advance for your help with our 2018 ‘Run For A Life’ Campaign.

Rachel Pitcaithly -

Route 1 - Pakawau

Total of 522kms

Route 2 - Karamea

Total of 552kms

Route 3 - Nelson

Total of 558kms

Route 4 - Motueka

Total of 559kms

Route 5


Route 6


Route 7

Total of 546kms

Route 8

Total of 541km