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Music to our ears

Kathryn Eagle —

Old boys make it into the the New Zealand Top 40 chart with their latest single!

Congratulations to 'This Dog' who have made it onto the NZ Charts with their brand new single 'Bug Eyed'! 

'This Dog' is made up entirely of St Bede's old boys who took music and/or drama when they were at school from; Felix Hogers (2013-2017), Andre Van der Park (2013-2015), Robbie Karsten (2013-2017), Nick Klaver (2013-2017), and Jake Fearon (2013-2017).

Their fantastic song entered the charts at #20 last month. 

You can show your support for 'This Dog' by following their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thisdognz

Take a listen to 'Bug Eyed' below: 

this dog - Bug Eyed (Official Video) this dog

Felix Hogers, Nick Klaver, Robbie Karsten, Andre Van der Park, and Jake Fearon.