The Bedean choir with the Korimako (silver) award. by Abi King

Choir shines at South Island Cadenza

Francis Mones-Cazon, Ryan Wilson, Isaac JonesAugust 16, 2023

The Bedean Choir travelled to Timaru this month to compete in NZCF Big Sing Cadenza along with 11 other choirs from around the South Island.

We watched the performances in the first session, with Duct Tape (Materia potens et adhaesiva), performed by Southland Boys' High School being the highlight. 

In the second session we performed Jacob Narverud’s Lunar Lullaby and Tshotsholoza, a traditional South African piece arranged by Jeffery L Ames, with soloist Heinrich Muller leading this beautiful anthem. We then participated in two workshops led by the adjudicator for the event, Dr Andrew Withington.

Image by: Abi King

We started Saturday’s program in the audience for Session Three, where Johnny said No! by Ovation from Marlborough Girls was a standout performance. Session Four saw us performing our last two pieces – The Lord’s Prayer by David N Childs followed by Richard Rodgers and There is Nothin’ like a Dame arranged by William Stickle, from the musical South Pacific. This was a crowd favourite, resulting in a standing ovation.

After a third and final workshop, we headed to Timaru Boys' High School for dinner in their boarders' dining room. The Gala concert commenced shortly afterwards in the beautiful Sacred Heart Basilica. All 12 choirs performed one piece from their repertoire, with St Bede’s concluding the show with There is Nothin’ like a Dame. We were invited back onto the stage for the final massed choir items – A Te Tarakihi and I Vow to Thee My Country. The choir came away with a Korimako award (Silver).

Image by: Abi King

Thank you to our director Helen Charlton, an incredible woman with the sheer willpower and dedication to not only prepare us to such a high standard, but also to continue dancing with ferocity at the student function after an unfortunate achilles injury. Thanks also to Mrs King and Mr Beswarick who were the support staff on the trip.

- Francis Mones-Cazon, Ryan Wilson and Isaac Jones
(Year 13 Bedean Choir members)

Watch The Bedean Choir perform: 

'Lords Prayer and Nothin like a dame Account Administrator

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