Old Boys' Newsletter - 23 October 2024
Kelly Watson
The Boarding 100 Memories are coming through... make sure you send in yours!
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Emily Rosevear
A century ago today...
Kathryn Eagle
Registrations are open for our 1975-1979 cohort's golden celebrations happening in early 2025.
Dean Hikaka
On Friday 11 October, St Bede’s College held an Invitational Touch Exchange hosting teams from Christchurch Boys’ High School, Rolleston College and New Plymouth Boys’ High School.
Matt Ioane
This year's Old Boys' Annual Golf Tournament has limited number of spots left. If you keen to attend, be in quick..
From pursuing a career in pharmacy to balancing family life and sport, old boy and past parent Simon has had quite a journey...
Chris Bond and Dave Brown
We have a special message for you from two of your classmates...
Jude Pryce
The Term 3 holidays were busy for Year 12 student Jaeger Pryce, who placed at national tournaments in both boxing and trampolining.
This year's gathering for our old boys' aged 70+ is happening on Thursday 5 December.
After winning the British Formula 4 and then the GB3 Championship, the UK's premiere single seater motorsport series, Louis Sharp (2021-2023) takes his motorsport career to the next level.
A special message to you!
Clare Wilkinson
Every year, an inspiring event unfolds along the stunning Whanganui Awa: the Awa Run, a three-day, 105 km relay that brings together students from Marist schools across our network.
Jon McDowall
The Old Boys' Association has a new dedicated page on the college website.
Mike Fraher
Sam and Pat O’Neill (2016-20) and Conor Crosbie (2019-23) are old boys representing New Zealand on the world stage at the Water Polo World Championships overseas, writes Mike Fraher (1984-1988).
The Community Office continues to expand to the growing needs of our community.
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