Hero photograph

Time to celebrate!

Kathryn Eagle —

Registrations are open for our 1975-1979 cohort's golden celebrations happening in early 2025.

Reunions are a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends, reflect on shared experiences, and celebrate a significant milestone since your time at St Bede's began.

Details of our next big reunion, including dates, times, and specific activities, can be found in the registration form below, which has been shared directly with the 1975-1979 cohort.

We still however have 84 members of this group that the reunion committee is still trying to locate, and we would love the wider alumni community’s help in tracking them down.

Too see a list of old boys were are still looking to locate, please click here.

If you have any contact information or leads on missing classmates, please reach out to the Community Office at old boys@stbedes.school.nz

Our 1975 3rd Formers: