Father Frankie presenting in the Chapel of St Bede. by Steven Entwistle

Captivating message of joy

Steven EntwistleSeptember 12, 2024

Father Frankie, a priest and former comedian, held a captive audience of 120 boys for 45 mins.

He shared stories and preached with an infectious enthusiasm and joy. He also prayed for the boys.

His message was to let God be part of our lives and be brave and take risks in sharing that good news with others.  His hope is that we share God's love with a fire and joy.

He said, "for many the only Gospel they will ever read is our lives".

On the feast day of the Most Holy Name of Mary he encouraged everyone to enter into a relationship with Our Mother Mary and let her guide us to Christ.

We pray for Fr Frankie as he continues his ministry of sharing the joy of the Gospel.

Farther Frankie's enthusiasm was appreciated by the boys. — Image by: Steven Entwistle

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