by Ashleigh Mowbray

Simon Curnow reflects on the Bedean Choir Camp

Ashleigh MowbrayMarch 2, 2023

Many people may think that each year the most challenging part of singing in The Bedean Choir is learning an entirely new set repertoire in preparation for Variety Concerts, workshops, charity events, and The Big Sing.

While this is a challenge, last year (at the three day long Big Sing Cadenza) The Bedean Choir discovered that their biggest challenge and the thing that would make the most difference in their performances was getting to know one another away from the sheet music! 

Fortunately this year, from the 25th to the 26th of February, the choir was lucky enough to travel over the hill to Living Springs and spend two days there on Choir Camp! 

This weekend was full of rehearsals and getting to know one another. Our fabulous teacher, Ms Charlton taught us exercises to protect our voices when singing for long periods at a time and ways to sing collectively as a group to get a vibrant, and stunning sound. We also learnt special techniques showing us how to learn and pronounce lyrics in both English and foreign languages, and then how to do so in such a way so that every choir member is pronouncing each word in exactly the same way.

While we worked very hard, this camp was not solely about music and there were many opportunities for choir members to get away from the sheet music during our breaks. Whether it was passing a ball around, playing card games, swimming or watching the new season of a Netflix show, there was always something to do to unwind after hours of intense concentration.

A huge thank you to Mr Hardinge and Ms King, for driving, supervising and cooking for us while also doing the behind the scenes work to make the camp such a success. Also to Ms. Helen Charlton, our choir director, who provided us such a wonderful learning experience. This camp has made us feel that we are ahead of the game and prepared for all the exciting opportunities we have ahead of us this year. 

Keep an eye out for upcoming Bedean Choir performances, this choir will be one to watch for sure! 

- Simon Curnow

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