by Katrina High

Code of Conduct

At this week’s Assembly we launched the new Code of Conduct. 

All boys who play for the school or attend events either on our behalf or as part of groups will be asked to sign the code. The boys were also reminded of their responsibilities as supporters of our teams both here at school and at outside venues. While much of the detail is similar to the previous code there are some important additions.

The opening statement reinforces our commitment to ensuring that the boy’s behaviour reflects positively on themselves, their families and their school, both on and off the field and either travelling, supporting or competing.

The other two major changes deal with respect for the opposition and the consequences for failing to adhere to this and the Absence and Activity policy. Some students have already been stood down for breaching this policy and two other boys have been removed temporarily from their teams for behaviour that did not comply with the code.

Please read over the Code and discuss with your son as reinforcement and support from home will guarantee that this understood and complied with by all our students.
