Hero photograph
Photo by fiona bell

YSIH Barbershop Nationals Success

Fiona Bell —

SCC Barbershop Chorus - 3rd place in the Upper Voices chorus and Barbershop Quartet - 5th place out of 17 Upper Voice quartets at YSIH National Convention.

St Catherine's College was one of the smaller choruses in the competition and up against larger and seasoned choruses from Auckland, the Waikato and Wellington. We embarked on an intensive 6-week training programme after the dates for the National Convention were announced in June. Three practices a week under the tutelage of the very experienced barbershop director Bernadette Tákacs honed our skills and singing voices and we were ready to show our talents in the Regent Theatre in Palmerston North last week. 

The quartet was also lucky to have a coaching session after their performance which was a wonderful experience. 

The Chorus and Quartet could not have achieved this honour without the support of family, friends and staff.