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Video by St Catherine's College

Catherine McAuley

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Prayer was at the heart of everything Catherine McAuley did. She said that we should ….. ”pray fervently and constantly….” And Catherine once described prayer like this: “Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown at the heart of every Christian, but its growth depends on the care we take to nourish it”

Loving Lord

We pray that we grow to be people of Prayer

Allowing our hearts to grow through our care and concern for others

This we pray in the spirit of Catherine McAuley


On the 24th of September every year, Sisters of Mercy and their friends around the world celebrate Mercy Day. This is the day on which Catherine McAuley first opened the House of Mercy in Ireland and dedicated it to Our Lady of Mercy. This is a day to celebrate all the wonderful work Sisters of Mercy and their friends do around the world.

At St Catherine's we remember this special day and will celebrate it in full on Friday 30th September, the last day of this term.

Year 11 Retreat

Thursday 29th September at St Joseph's Church - Students to come in non-uniform

Mercy Day

Friday 20th September non-uniform Day 

Art Auction

We have our Art Auction running till the end of term up in studio 2. It has been posted on Instagram, Facebook and the website and we are opening it up to Parents/Friends to visit next Tuesday after school. Starting bids range from about $10 to $25 dollars.

We are trying out the Auction online using Instagram but if you can't access it there and would like to bid you can email bids to me. With name, Auction Number (AR001) and the bid amount. I can add them to Instagram.  Link to view artwork

Our Thoughts and Prayers

Our thoughts and prayers are with Koria Taana Wilson whose father Daryl passed away this week. Daryl had been sick for a short time.  

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.