Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Kia ora e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

It has been a full and busy term. I hope that everyone, staff and students, can get a good rest over the coming weeks.

It has been a fantastic way to end the term with our Mission Day.  Students have been busy throughout the day in a variety of activities.  There has been baking (to gift to those in need), supporting primary schools in our Kahui Ako, entertaining the elderly, and making cards. We have all had a great day working together to bring light and love into the lives of others.

Over the last year ERO has been working with us.  They have completed their first report and we are delighted with what they have reported.  I have attached it below.

I have had the opportunity to get out and about and see the St Catherine's students performing well in sports and culture over the last few weeks. Last night the St Catherine's students won the final of their rugby, playing in a combined St Catherine's/Scot's College/WEGC team. Seeing so many supporters at the game cheering the girls on was terrific. Over the last three weeks, I have been fortunate to watch netball; the choir, the orchestra, and our musicians perform, and the Regional Kapa Haka, Ngā Maioha were incredible. Last Thursday, I attended the largest Catholic Youth Group in the country when we went out to St Bernard's for YAFA. It is lovely to see our SCC students taking the opportunities offered to them and shining.

Over the holidays, over 50 of our students will prepare for Tu Tangata at school. A huge thank you to the whānau that have supported this, our Pasifika leaders Rosemary, Maria and Konestasia and the staff that give up their time to make this happen.  Tu Tangata is performed in week 2 of next term. We wish these students all the best as they put the final touches on their performance.

Term 3, we hope, will be smoother running, and we can focus our senior students on achieving their academic goals. Attendance is the most influential factor in success: at school and in class. We also want to see increased attendance and students being at school on time.  

I wish all students a safe and good rest over the next two weeks.