Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Click Happy Summer Academy

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) has received 5 scholarships for students and two staff to attend the online "Click Happy Summer Academy" in December.

This has been made possible by Community Organization Grant Scheme (COGS), Lotteries Community and ANZ Community funding. Each Scholarship is for $300.00, the full cost of tuition. 

The program is an award-winning creative wellbeing program wrapped inside a photography workshop series that teaches documentary and street photography skills. The goal is to support the development of the next generation of creative changemakers. We are looking to support voices that are not as represented in the mainstream TV and Film industry. Specifically, youth who are in one of the following demographics, but this is not a hard fast rule :) 

Maori Pacific Islander Black - African or Caribbean descent Indigenous to lands other than NZ You identify as a Person of Colour Immigrant LGBQT+ Identify as Female Neurodiverse Disabled Anyone really who shows talent and drive :) 

We have up to 5 scholarships that you can distribute. 

These scholarships do not need to be given only to students studying photography. They can be given to any talented visual artists in any year from year 9 upwards. These can also be given to students who may no longer be at your school but who are talented but are currently underemployed and whom you still have contact with. And if you have a highly talented student who does not fit the above demographics they will also be welcome with open arms. 

If you are interested please let Mr Palamo know