Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Please Vote - Easiest Fund Raiser

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

The St Catherine's College Christmas Tree for Cystic Fibrosis is in the main entrance of the Wellington Airport. Please vote for our tree and ask everyone you know to vote for our tree, as the Public's Choice winner will get $5,000 of free marketing!! The Christmas Tree Festival runs until January 9th - vote, vote, vote!

You can vote on line here by pressing control and then clicking this link https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surveymonkey.com%2Fr%2FCFChristmasTreeFestivalPeoplesChoiceAward2021%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2-bBWjOh-s03whdNT9b6FOLlNzAmosxPdzXbUMh-tRxnoAfBgOCEclRY4&h=AT2vF-C9b3AaRk6hjXe5nvajwpJrkIHYk5407-7Qr1NGprqoN_c37gJbNhaLmzDwEEdrQbKToNXDobjR_P2BKmg2Iw9LEQ4xlz4QM-RbPpd5yfC2D0dyR2MlyuwCsE38pA&__tn__=R]-R&c[0]=AT1T8l4csG0hjjCRowazNn-ra7KJlvmujT5DBcKJ3sHGlMWAc2HglJd6FaF3jgezTUIKYdFUWg6BDY0E5IgKgH9n0PznSRIEHcNd08n6PimlkGLIQdKvy1IcKaC20yHdEqC_F_V0QeQfok4T-ECUhrU4A1E

Or, if you are in the airport…

There is a little wagon in the main concourse of the Airport (between the Cosmetique store and Witchery clothing store). Pick up a form there, fill it in, and pop it in the box.

Please ask all your family and friends to vote too - you can forward my email to the people you know.

Thank you so much!

Mrs Ryan