St Catherines Sport

Joanne Robinson —

Have you achieved a high standard in sport this year? Have you been playing, coaching or umpiring for a few years? You may be eligible for a Sports Award!
The St Catherine's College Sports Awards are on Wednesday 25th October at 12.00pm. Parent's, coaches and managers are all welcome to attend.

Please use the below forms to nominate either yourself or a student for a St Catherine's College Sport Award for 2023. All criteria are noted on the forms. Please ensure you read these carefully before making any nominations, and please provide as much detail as possible. Information on these forms will also be used to nominate students for the College Sport Wellington Awards.

Sporting achievements between the 17th September 2022 and 17th September 2023 can be considered towards the 2023 Awards. Additional achievements after the close off date and prior to the Awards can be added if a nomination has already been received.
Please note: All sporting code awards (MVP, MIP) are decided by the school and management of each respective sport, so there are no nomination forms for these awards. Please click on the link below to nominate for Service to sport, ambassador to sport and sports black.

Staff, students and parents are invited to also make nominations for the volunteer of the Year. We know we are spoiled at St Catherine's with brilliant people who give so much of their time to our students, and provide them with incredible experiences each year. We would like to ensure they are properly recognised for their invaluable commitment, so please provide as much detail as possible when nominating (form below);

Nominations close on Sunday 15th October

Kristina RybinskiSports Coordinator St Catherine's College