Hero photograph
Photo by Joanne Robinson

The National Liturgy Office

Joanne Robinson —

Attention parish liturgy groups! The National Liturgy Office has four current web pages with resources for:

•21 May: Solemnity of the Ascension

•21-28 May: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

•21-28 May: Laudato si’ week

•28 May: Pentecost Sunday.

Go here to get these handy resources: https://www.nlo.org.nz/news-and-events/media-releases/

The NZ Catholic Medical Association provides pastoral care and chaplaincy for people involved in health care. We extend an invitation to doctors, nurses, midwives, carers, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, counsellors, social workers, chaplains, dentists, health administrators, lawyers, and anyone in allied roles. Next event: Retreat and Seminar 9-10 June 2023, based at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay, Wellington. Register for this event at www.newzealandcatholicmedical.co.nz

For general inquiries and updates for future events, email: newzealandcatholicmedical@gmail.com (NZCMA formation committee).