Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell


Katrina Kerr-Bell —

St Catherine’s College seeks the support of our whole school community to ensure that our uniform expectations are sustained at all times. Parents / Caregivers seeking exemptions to uniform expectations due to religious beliefs, ethnic or cultural background, student disability or student health conditions must apply to the Principal.

SUMMER UNIFORM- Term One and Term Four

  • College Blazer (Year 9 students may wear a school cardigan instead of a college blazer)
  • White, short-sleeved blouse
  • School skirt/school trousers
  • Black, leather lace-up shoes / black Roman sandals / black Birkenstock Arizona sandals
  • White ankle socks (if worn with black shoes)


Term Two and Term Three

  • College Blazer (Year 9 students may wear a school cardigan instead of a college blazer)
  • White, long-sleeved blouse
  • School skirt/school trousers
  • Black, leather lace-up shoes
  • Black pantyhose or white ankle socks
  • School tie optional


Prizegiving; Graduation; Pōwhiri; Masses; other occasions (students will be informed ahead of time if the formal uniform is to be worn)

  • College Blazer (Year 9 students may wear a school cardigan instead of a college blazer) White, long-sleeved blouse
  • School skirt or school trousers Black, leather lace-up shoes
  • Black pantyhose or white ankle socks
  • School tie optional
  • The College expects that shoes will be black, polishable leather, lace-up, with a low heel and without logos.

Students may choose their schoolbags and waterproof raincoats/rainjackets (logos and designs should be in good taste)

Students may wear their own scarves when the weather is cold. Scarves may be black or white.

Students may wear school jerseys or school vests with summer or winter uniforms.

Blazers are worn while travelling to and from school throughout the year by all students in Years 10 – 13


a) in hot weather (at the principal’s discretion)

b) in cold/wet weather (when the raincoat/rainjacket may be worn)


  • Taonga – items of spiritual significance, approved by the principal, may be worn around the neck.
  • Jewellery / Piercings – one earring may be worn in the lower lobe of each ear; one flat band ring may be
  • worn; one nose stud may be worn.
  • Nose rings, nasal septum rings, and other facial or body piercings are not permitted. (this is for safety reasons)
  • Makeup – is permitted for Year 11 – 13 students. Makeup should be subtle and natural-looking.
  • Hair – for safety reasons, long hair must be tied back to be kept out of the eyes and off the face.
  • Coloured hair must be within the natural hair colour range.
  • Nail Polish (finger and toe) – clear or natural colours may be worn, and nail polish should be clean and tidy.