Katrina Kerr-Bell — Jun 22, 2023

Despite the disruptions, our students have continued to be shining stars.

One of the joys of my role is to work with teenagers. They are optimistic, energetic and always keen to make things happen. The variety night this week was an example of this. Despite the challenges of coordinating with students rostered home, constant changes to the calendar, winter and assessment deadlines, the students were determined to perform. It was a wonderful evening and a delight to sit and be entertained by our talent in the college.

Year 10 Careers

Year 10 has been busy exploring possible careers over the last couple of weeks.  The students have taken part in 'hi-vis' occupations.  This has involved visits to the Wellington Water Treatment and the Wind Farm, and on Tuesday of this week, a group went out to see what happens at Fulton Hogan.

We ask for your prayers.

On Monday, students will be released at 12.15 pm. This is to give PPTA members a chance to meet to discuss the latest offer from the Ministry. We ask for your prayers as the Ministry of Education and the PPTA go back into negotiation to agree on a satisfactory resolution. We are grateful for the patience and support that you have provided during these difficult times.


This week we spent time with the senior students going through the Kamar app to see where they were with their goals and their NCEA achievement. We encourage you to discuss this with your daughter to ensure she is on track to achieve what she wants to out of the year.

Next week

Next Thursday, we celebrate Mission Day - this is a time when all students attend school in non-uniform and have the opportunity to be involved in an activity of service to the community. We will have groups actively engaged in various activities such as baking, visiting rest homes, performing, and cleaning gravestones.

Friday is a teachers-only day - all the staff will join the teachers from the other 12 schools in our Kahui Ako for professional development hosted by St Patrick's College.