Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Kia ora e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

We have had a busy week with the start of NCEA exams.  It has been positive to see students coming in and making the most of the tutorials being offered by staff.  The tutorials have been posted on Google Classroom.

Cycle Skills Training Programme

St Catherine's College is taking part in the Pedal Ready cycle skills training programme this year.  The programme is aimed at delivering best practice cycle skills training.  The permission slip needs to be completed - please complete the parent permission form.  Students need to wear non-uniform and closed-toe shoes, eg sneakers or school shoes.

Phone Free Friday

We have purchased a number of games and outdoor sports equipment to entice students to get off their phones.  On Friday all staff are going to be running lunchtime activities for students to participate in and we will be providing incentives for students to engage with each other rather than their phones.

A Prayer for the Month of the Holy Souls

November is the month when as Catholics we remember those we love who have died. 

"In these days when we look back

Upon generations of the mercy of God,

Brilliantly lit in those who came before us,

I like to think, too,

Of the mercy that will stretch beyond us.

We have laid so many to rest this year

That our grief is ever present with us,

But so, likewise, are our loved ones—

The paths they walked, the prayers they prayed for us.

May we realize, too, that someday

We also will live on earth only in memory,

Carried in the hearts of those who loved us.

In remembering our death, may we move through each day

With tenderness, with gentleness,

And may we always recognize this truth:

That the goodness of God

Is matched only by its might,

Ever transcending both life and death.

Amen." (Jesuit Prayer)