Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Warm spring greetings to all. It is wonderful to be back with our young people after the recent holiday break. There is a real sense of purpose as seniors tidy up loose ends and prepare for end-of-year events. With only two weeks left with our year 11-13s, teachers and students are working hard to ensure they are well-prepared for external exams. This term is going to move through quickly. It was great to see the sun and students eager to be back for the last term.

Last Sunday’s Gospel reading was from the Gospel of Luke 18: 1-8.

A common approach when we want to be heard is to become louder. To drown out all the competing noise to get attention. The Gospel encourages us to be persistent, persistent in our prayers. The judge in this scripture sounds formidable; he does not fear God nor respect any human. We could say the same thing about the world today. In general, it does not fear God nor respect any human being. However, the judge finally offers a just decision for the widow because she keeps pestering him. Likewise, Jesus declares,

“Will not God then secure the rights of His chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will He be slow to answer them?” This Gospel reading reminds us of the power of prayer and the need to remain faithful and to be people of prayer. As exams are on, it is a good reminder to our students that they are not alone, to offer their worries up to God, and to seek the peace of God as they strive to do their best.

Senior Exams

The Senior Students have been working on their derived grade exams. It was great to see so many take the opportunity to attend the tutorials offered through the holidays. These exams are important, as they highlight where there is a need for the study. They are also the grades used if a student is unable to sit the final NCEA exam.

Leavers Mass

A reminder that parents and families are welcome to join us at 12.15 pm on Wednesday 2nd of November at St Patrick’s Parish.  Our Year 13 is an outstanding group of Mercy Women who have worked hard through some very challenging years.  

2023 Leaders

It is both humbling and exciting for me, that 60% of our year 12s have applied for a leadership role for next year. This demonstrates a real desire to serve and give back to the community that has been home to them for the last four years. I look forward to what they will bring to St Catherine's College.  


Attendance is one of the most significant factors of success. If students are at school, then they can learn. We know that it is not always easy to get to school on time and that life sometimes gets in the way. Please let us know if we can support your rangatahi (learner) in getting to school. Covid has been a challenging time, and if you need support getting back into a routine, please let us know.

Ngā mihi nui.