Everybody Eats - Help wanted

Joanne Robinson —

"Everybody Eats is a not-for-profit, pay-as-you-feel dining concept. We turn food that is otherwise destined for the landfill into a five course restaurant quality meal served to the table by volunteers. We are currently looking for more volunteers to join our team, you can volunteer in the kitchen or front of house. With each shift you work you also get to enjoy a meal and make new friendships with the other volunteers. Sign up on our website and join the team." I am also happy to sign off any of the girls who need to do volunteer hours or want to get experience in hospitality.

Warm regards
Linda Muollo
Wellington ManagerEverybody Eats
Feeding Bellies, Not Bins.P: +64 21 808702
W: everybodyeats.nzI: @everybodyeatsnzF: @everybodyeatsnz