Hero photograph
Photo by Joanne Robinson

Next Chapter Parenting Course

Joanne Robinson —

Tēnā koe

Allow me to introduce myself. I speak to you as a registered Social
Worker, who has had training in Child Centred Play Therapy as well as
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I raised my children solo without the
support of family, and this is what motivates me to run Parenting
Courses and Thus write to you.

There are numerous “free courses” already available for parents,
however, I feel I operate a niche that is missing. I am aware “The
Incredible Years” is quite popular, but sometimes popularity can
sometimes fill a niche because there is no alternative offered.

I am offering an alternative. How I differ in what I offer is that it is
fresh, frank and provides strategies for specific behaviours from young
toddlers through to teenagers (teenage material is provided only to
those parents who are requiring it), being able to answer any questions
which may arise. Its focus is on strengthening families, and empowering
both parent and child. There is specific focus on sibling rivalry and
boundaries older children need to face. As well it focuses on the
importance and connection between attachment, parenting styles and
stages of growth development.

The course helps children express their feelings, assume responsibility
for their behaviours and develop problem-solving skills. Part of what I
offer is Filial Therapy based (which is evidence based), but goes
further by dealing to the difficult behaviours, and means of dealing
with confrontational moments. At the core of my course is
communication, which develops rapport and understanding and provides a
connection to behaviour.

Generally, my modus operandi is to run 10-week sessions remotely via
zoom, but I can be flexible in this.

Why I am so passionate in offering this course is because I am aware
that while parents love their children it is not necessarily the case,
they have the skills to be a parent, or.it may be a case they need to be
supported with extra strategies to help their child cope, or themselves.

Some of the topics I cover in my course are:
Session one covers communication - primarily reflective
listening,which is something parents rarely do. It is a useful tool for
communicating with your child, partner, or anyone for that matter.

Empathy is the topic for session two - this and reflective listening are
the core element for successful interaction, and resolving conflicts as
well as setting limits

Session three is all about setting limits and compliance, and one
method i teach is called ACT limit setting (A=acknowledge,
C=communicate limit, T=target alternative)

Session Four is all about quality time. Part of what I teach of
quality time is based on Child Centred Play Therapy, which can be
taught to parents. It is designed so that children can play out issues
they have, and through reflective listening and empathy a parent can be
an observer of what their child is going through. It can sometimes be
patently obvious what issues a child might be having through the themes
that can pop up in their play.

Session Five - is geared around choices and consequences, and

Session six - problem behaviour, giving guidance and for specific
problem behaviour

Sessions seven - covers various topics - Pick your battles - time out vs
time in - Compromise - the power of a simple pause - praise vs
encouragement - doing too much for your child - returning r
esponsibility. Sleeping patterns, temperaments
Alternative Session seven focuses on the parent, self care and growth in
parenting This is discussed through a series of questions.

Session eight - is all about attachment styles, developmental stages per
erik erikson, and personality types, and how it would affect your child
as they grow older.

Session nine - covers sibling rivalry (and so may not be applicable to
some) It covers the problems that arise and offers solutions

Session Ten - covers teenage boundaries (and this module may not be
applicable for some), and let me say teenagers these days can start a
lot earlier than 13, ; This session also covers specific problems faced

Each session lasts for an hour, (If however I am running a group session
then expect the sessions to be more nearer to two hours). I have found
group sessions though are not something that is practical to organise my

This course will not only build confidence in parents, it will also
assist parents to in turn be responsive and attuned to their
children’s needs, while at the same time also build self-esteem,
self-confidence and autonomy in their children.

This course does cost, but there is some flexibility with rates if
funding is not available. For those parents that are eligible for
assistance by WINZ (either as a beneficiary or low income earner) the
course may be paid as a disability allowance upon application. The
course otherwise for one to one sessions costs $50 per session. (Some
parents choose to have sessions once a fortnight ).

I am hoping this is something that might interest your parents. I am
enclosing a copy of my flyer in both jpeg and pdf and would appreciate
if it were possible to place in your newsletter or on your noticeboard
for the attention of parents, or for whom you might think it might hold
some interest

Nāku noa, nā
Brigid Carkeek
E: brigid@nextchapterparenting.co.nz
M: 0221087214