Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Yesterday we celebrated our Academic Mass. There was a large number of students recognised with Academic Blacks.

We are extremely proud of our NCEA results.  We are proud of the high number of students who achieved. It is worth noting the number of students that strived to achieve an endorsement.

Last Sunday's Gospel was Matthew 5: 38-48. To choose the right path. Choosing the right path requires an awareness of what is bad for us and resisting temptations that draw us away from what is good. To achieve requires choosing to work, to come to school when it would be easier to stay at home, and pushing ourselves when we are tired.  Due to hard work, diligence and resisting temptations, the students have been able to achieve these results.  Thank you to the parents, students and staff for all your hard work.

Cyclone Gabrielle

It has been a horrific and devasting week for so many New Zealanders.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the whānau that have been impacted.  

E te Atua

We pray for all those who have lost so much.

Be with them as they try to piece together their homes and livelihoods. 

May they feel the love and support of the Nation

May they be filled with the gifts of courage and aroha in the coming months.



Attendance is a key factor in achieving academic goals.  When students miss school days, it is difficult to keep up. Please encourage your daughter to attend school if they can; however, if your daughter is unwell, please keep them home.  

"Whāia te tika -seek what is right and just"