Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

SCC - Athletics Sports 15th February.

Joanne Robinson —

Due to our size, we can proceed with our whole school sports day. There are some restrictions. Student only event

Welcome back everyone to Term 1 here at St Catherine's College.  Everyone is starting to settle back in and our new students are all finding their way around their new College.  

Most of you will be in the midst of getting vaccinations and boosters done, so could you please email office@scc.school.nz if your daughter is fully vaccinated so that we can update their student record.  Masks are now to be worn at school, we do have a small supply but it is great if parents can provide masks for their daughter/s.  

We have athletics Day coming up on the 15th of February.  This is to be held at Newtown Park - all must be vaccinated to be allowed entry.   If students are unwell please email the school office.  If students are unvaccinated they are to work from home, please also contact the office. office@scc.school.nz

Students are allowed to come dressed in their house colours.  

Students will meet at Newtown Park at 8.30 am and will be dismissed from there at 3 pm.  

Make sure they have a good lunch, snacks for the day and a drink of water.  

We will share photos with you in the next newsletter. 


Bring clothing for rain, the cold and sunblock and a hat in case of an obvious Wellington stunner

Cancellation will be via Facebook and Email