Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Kia ora e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those impacted in the Loafters Lodge fire in Newtown.

Please support

We are recognizing Pink Shirt day tomorrow.  Pink Shirt day originated in Canada.  It was a response from a group of young people who stood in solidarity with a new student who was bullied for wearing his favourite shirt.  We are asking student to bring a donation towards Metal Health NZ and a contribution to the Wellington Mission who are supporting those impacted by the Loafters Lodge fire.

Whaea Chez

We farewell Whaea Chez tomorrow as she goes on leave to have her pepe (baby).  We will let you know when the pepi arrives.  Mr Richard Kerr-Bell will be covering her classes while she is away. Whaea Chez is returning to teach mid term 3.

Open Night

Please share details of our open night - it is on Wednesday 14th of June at 6pm.

Wellbeing - No Cellphones in class

Cellphones continue to be a distraction.  We have made the decision not to allow Cellphones in class, they are to be handed in and put into the pockets provided in class.  Students using their cellphone in class will be asked to hand it into the office and collect it at the end of the day.  Repeat offenders will require their parents to come and collect their phone. 

We have currently blocked social media. While social media allows individuals to express themselves freely, it also poses risks of spreading harmful or inappropriate content. Social media posts can damage a person's wellbeing and cause significant harm to their personal and professional relationships. Even seemingly harmless posts can be misinterpreted or taken out of context, leading to unintended consequences.

Moreover, social media platforms are often rife with fake news, hate speech, and cyberbullying, which can contribute to a toxic online environment. The spread of false information can cause significant harm to individuals, communities, and even entire nations.

Therefore, it is essential to exercise caution and discretion when posting online. We must always consider the impact of our words and actions on others and hold ourselves accountable for our behaviour online. Upholding values and integrity online requires us to act ethically, responsibly, and with empathy towards others.

Parents and schools have a responsibility to ensure that family and school values are wrapped around every facet of their life, so that when faced with choices, their values base influences their decision. Values and integrity shouldn’t get left behind when a young person steps outside the house, leaves the school gates, or moves into the online world. Values and integrity aren’t something you pick and choose from according to the moment. Looking after each other, having a stronger sense of what consent is and recognising the dignity in every person, is hopefully something that St Catherine's College is influencing as a school of special character, because we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

Netsafe has created an Online Safety Parent Toolkit to get parents and whānau talking about online safety. As young people spend more time online, it’s important that parents and whānau can teach their child to have a safe online experience. This page https://netsafe.org.nz/parenttoolkit/ lets you download a PDF copy of the Netsafe Online Safety Parent Toolkit to use as and when you need. It is available in Te Reo, English, Samoan, Tongan and Chinese.  Also check out the St Catherine's Online safety hub

Haere taka mua, taka muri; kaua e whai

Be a leader not a follower.