Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Sports Prizegiving

Tomorrow at 2 pm, parents are welcome to join us in the school hall.  There are no NCEA examinations on this day so all students are expected to attend.

End-of-Year Prizegiving

Tuesday 6th of December 10 am Prizegiving rehearsal at St Patrick's College. Prizegiving is at 7 pm Prizegiving.  All students are expected to attend this.

Upcoming School Closed Dates

2022 Accord Teacher-Only Days

Wednesday 23rd November and Tuesday 29th November 

There are four Teacher-Only Days allocated this year by the Ministry of Education to support the implementation of changes to NCEA. Two were held earlier in the year and the final two will be held in late November.

School is closed on these days but please note that the NZQA examinations will continue as normal.

Second Hand Uniform

We have a number of families that will be looking to purchase secondhand uniforms, in preparation for the beginning of the 2023 school year

We are asking anyone with surplus school uniforms to bring them to the school  Office so that they can be resold. There may be a number of senior students who have blazers, skirts and trousers that are no longer needed. If at all possible, we would like to collect these before this year ends, so that the items are available for resale at a secondhand unifom sale to be held at the end of January, in time for the start of the new school year.

You can either donate the uniform, or we can sell it on your behalf. Proceeds from donations are used to top up our Hardship Fund, to help those that may need financial assistance over all aspects of the college.

Please contact Kandy Hawkins kandy.hawkins@stcatherinescollege.school.nz for any queries.