Katrina Kerr-Bell — Feb 15, 2023

With school now well underway and Wellington getting busier with tertiary institutions starting up again, it is timely to remind you about what to do if your child, or someone else in your household, tests positive for covid.

Firstly, we monitor our case numbers regularly, so please let us know if covid is the reason for a sickness absence. The student's teachers will then know they are away for an extended time and will ensure there is some work they can continue with at home if they are well enough.

Take note of the current advice from the covid-19 website (https://covid19.govt.nz/testing-and-isolation/if-you-have-covid-19/) as below: 

If you have tested positive:

If you are a household contact:

Key points

We continue to look positively towards a more settled 2023. Thank you for your help with the above. 

We have plenty of RATs available at school if you need a supply for testing at home.