Katrina Kerr-Bell — Jun 19, 2023

Last week Alex represented St Catherine's College and the Wellington South Lions at the Young Speechmaker Contest. Alex was supported by Sr Stephanie, a proud Lion's member and SCC Board Member

Alex presented an outstanding prepared speech on life as a NZ born Samoan woman, however lost her way in the impromptu speech on change. She is was highly recommended speaker 

Her prepared speech was delivered clearly and with good confidence, and as a result she scored well. Alex presented herself, her family and her School with distinction and she deserves recognition for that fine effort.

We encourage Alexandra to deliver her prepared speech to her parents and family, and to come again next year, we are confident she will get even better!

A comment from the Judges "Thanks for your support of the Young Speechmaker contest, we think it is worth all the effort to see this generation display that the world is being left in good hands."