Hero photograph
Photo by Mandy Page

It's not "Just Whānau time!"

Mandy Page —

A "lateness to school issue".

School starts at 8.55am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Whānau time. This time is an important part of the school day. Collectively the school comes together in Whānau groups for inoi/prayer, roll-call, pānui/notices, student-led activities, reading etc. We have a large number of students who are missing Whānau time due to getting up late, going to buy lunch, or meeting friends in Kilbirnie. There are some bus issues and we acknowledge that. However, we need your help to get this lateness issue resolved. You can check your tamāhine/daughter's attendance/lateness on the school portal. It is a live record of attendance. There is also a KAMAR app. Email mandy.page@scc.school.nz if you need any help with this.