Katrina Kerr-Bell — Nov 8, 2023

TikTok is a fun app however it can at times cause harm. At school, this app is blocked. We encourage you at home to discuss the safe use of this app - especially the turning off comments if lifestreaming.

Netsafe has developed a seven step Online Safety Parent Toolkit to give every parent access to the support they need to teach their kids how to access digital opportunities and reduce harm. It helps overcome any perceived or real technology knowledge gap between what parents know and what their child knows – or thinks they know. 

The seven step framework helps parents to:

  1. Understand potential risks, challenges, and sometimes illegal behaviours 
  2. Learn about their tamariki’s (children's) activities 
  3. Explore for themselves the technology their child uses 
  4. Agree and set expectations as a family on what to do online 
  5. Teach basic online safety concepts 
  6. Model the behaviors they want to see their child use
  7. Plan what to do if things go wrong

TikTok Family Safety Toolkit Tips!